i ve never really thought abouot it>>iv neva rlly tho bou ri
there is >>zeariz
can we start there>>canwi sta de
it struck me taht>>i struckin tha
i ve just been wondering >>iv ja ben wondarin
i dont think the idea of...came to me until much later>>idon thin zi-ideav...kametome n-tiu much laila
it was very much about..>>i-as verimuch bout...
we do all this stuff>>wedo al thistuf
we put people in...>>wipu pip in...
Ad SV>>
as though i was just>>azzoa zu ja
and i am >>andam
because i feel like>>bekoza fii lai
and how i ve viewed>>an haave vie
and i thought>> adai tho
but how we ecperiance>>ba haue expearian
well its something taht i think has>>weeits somhtin tha i thin has
Or is it more that..>>o-isi mo tha
because when i was ...>>becaushuwenai wa
and then i think>>andenai thin
adv noun adj>>>
epecially someone like you>>especialy someoneli u
noun ad>>>
people who had experiences>>>pip u ha experians
the surrondings that youare going to be in>>the surrundin thattua gonna biin
2024年9月6日 | カテゴリー:基礎知識/物理学、統計学、有機化学、数学、英語 |